
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Brand new best day EVVAH!

This is post number...


So there. And how fitting that I'm going to see Slayer live tonight here in Stockholm. Won't be the same without Jeff Hanneman of course but I won't quit if Kerry and Tom won't.

In the pic I put their epic live album from 1991, a Lego incarnation of Motörhead (made by Johan), and an angry monkey.

You can also see half of my rosette circle cutter wot I bought from Micheal Connor in Australia, a beautiful and well made tool.

And yesterday I did make my first rosette, of cherry and mahogany inlaid in the top for the koa concert. Seems of minor importance compared to the show tonight.

And the post number.

Which is...



  1. You devil, you! Looks nice. Your first one? Looks like you've been making rosettes for years!

    Enjoy the show, dude.

  2. Wow, I bought some groceries today and they came to £6.66.
    Great rosette, good to see tool investment paying off. Have a good night.
